Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The MOJO feature article on Bailey Rae is very simple article it is not as long as other feature articles but gets its thoughts across. It starts with the date of the Grammy awards which shows the audience who do not know about Bailey Rae that she is a big artist and this article gives the audience a recap on her career also this article is a coming back article in the way no one has heard much about her for nearly a year so immediately it is like a exclusive and so people are going to want to read this. They use black and white to show she is still sad and is not back yet after what she has been through also the pictures make her seem upset to show the audience and make them sympathize with her and want to read on. Also the title of the article back to life shows the audience she is on a come back and as soon as they see that they will pick up the magazine. The article is not really formal compared to other magazines such as Q and Keerang which shows that this magazine is aimed at a younger audience than Q and Keerang also it is not as long as most feature articles we see today which shows maybe as they have aimed it at a younger audience that they have taken into account teens attention span so have made it shorter. In the article we get a lot of quotes from the the artist so her views are put across in her own words instead of someone else’s interpretation which a reader likes as it gets them closer to the artist and know what their emotions are through their words which helps the reader relate to the artist and then want to keep reading. The title for this article is back to life which is a good title as it tells the audience that she is passionate about her music as music is her life and she is coming back to it after a long time away also when you see that on the contents page it would make readers want to read the article and in turn buy the magazine. The colours of the article are very dull and dark which shows this article is not going to be a happy and funny article as the colours connote sadness and the photos connote loneliness as she is all alone in a big space and also the close up of her face makes her seem like she is putting a fake smile on so if the reader does not know what has happened to Bailey Rae will wonder what is wrong and read the article.

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